Monday, 16 January 2012

Don’t Get Carried Away When Using Your Credit Card

Depending on the amount of credit that you have run up on your card there will be a certain minimum amount that you will have  to pay at the end of the month. Credit cards can be very convenient. If you do not have the funds to buy something at present  then you can purchase it on credit and then repay the money through your credit card payments. You should however be careful  when using your card because you could very easily end up in debt.

A lot of people end up misusing their credit cards. They go on a shopping spree and end up swiping the card without much  thought. This is not good for your finances in the long run. Whenever you swipe a card you are spending money. Eventually you  will have to pay that money back. People fool themselves into thinking that they can buy whatever they want and do not really  stop to think about the consequences. If used properly a credit card can help you improve your quality of life considerably.  There are a lot of people who use their credit cards intelligently and get a lot of advantages from them.

You should make sure you are very careful with the use of your credit card because it will become a part of your permanent  credit record. If you default on your payments then this will reflect badly on your credit history and you will end up with a  poor credit rating. This will make it very difficult for you to get a loan and you might have to pay higher rates of interest  to secure one. It is not good to default on credit card payments. It has a very negative impact on your credit record.  Continued misuse of your credit card will result in your card getting cancelled. Once your card is cancelled it will become  very difficult for you to get an unsecured credit card.

Banks will start looking at you as a risk and will not want to issue  a new card to you. Unsecured credit card are very useful and you will not realise their value until you are unable to get  one. In such a situation you will have to apply for a secured credit card. These cards are usually backed by some sort of security  and you will only be able to run up a limited amount of credit on them. The interest and the charges on a secured credit card  are much higher than that on a unsecured credit card.  


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