Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Why you apply for an unsecured credit card

If you have a bad credit record because you have been misusing your credit card then you need to find a way to rectify this  mistake and restore your credit record. This wont is easy for you to do and it will take you some time to get this done. A  lot of people have misused their credit cards and have become defaulters. If you are panning on applying for a secured credit  card then you will have to provide some security to the back so that you can get your credit card. The value of the security  will be more than your credit limit and this is why you need to make sure that you use your credit card well. You should only  use it when you need to and you should not use it lavishly if you don’t think you will be able to repay the amount on time.

If you become a defaulter once then the bank authorities will not take an action against you, but if you become s defaulter  again and again then your credit card will be cancelled and you won’t be able to sue your card anymore. Also the security  that you provide will officially become the banks properly and you will not get it back. So if you have a bad financial  record and if you want to improve this record then you will have to look for the best way to do so. It is obvious that you  won’t be able to apply for another secured credit card, but you will be able to apply for an insured credit card.

With the help of an unsecured credit card you will be able to restore your credit record. This is one of the pros of having  this card in hand, but there are also several cons of using the credit card. For starters you will have to pay more in order  to get unsecured credit. Then, your rate of interest will be quote high so this means that you won’t be able to use the card  much.

You should only apply for an unsecured credit card if you can afford the rate of interest. If you can’t afford the rate of  interest then you will have to look for another way to improve your credit record. So you need to make sure that you make  good use of your credit card. There are banks that provide unsecured credit cards to people with bad credit. You should do your research and find such  banks. Unsecured credit cards for bad credit will have additional terms and conditions that you should study before you get  one for yourself.


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