Credit cards can make life very easy. You can use the credit card to attain a higher standard of living. You will be able to purchase things that you do not have the funds for if you own a credit card. You can then clear the debt at a later date. If you manage your funds properly and are regular with your payments then you can make use of the credit facility offered by credit cards to make the best use of your finances. You however need to be very carefully. A lot of people do not use their credit card with care. They end up overstretching and spending money that they do not have. This can cause them to end up in debt and paying of this debt can then become quite difficult. Credit cards can be divided into two main kinds: secured credit cards and unsecured credit cards.
Most people have unsecured credit cards. As their name suggests these cars do not need to have any sort of security. An interest is charged on the credit that is used by these cards. With the use of these cards you will be able to purchase things even if you do not have the funds in your bank at present. You can swipe your card and the bank will pay on your behalf. You haven hence incurred bank credit to make your purchase. It is important that you keep this in mind when you are using your credit card. You will eventually have to pay the bank back for your purchases. At the end of the month you will receive a statement that will give you the details of your expenditure. There will be a minimum amount of money that you will need to pay depending on your total bill. If you do not make your credit card payments on time then you will be defaulting. This will have very serious and negative consequences on your credit record.
A secured credit card is generally issued to someone who has bad credit history. This type of card is backed by a security. You will only be able to run up a credit that is equivalent to the value of the security that you have deposited with the bank. If you do not make your payments on time then the banks will recover their credit from the security deposit. Getting approved for an unsecured credit card with a bad credit record is not easy. You will not find it easy to get unsecured credit cards or unsecured credit if you have a bad credit record.
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